Nuxt SSR 에서 created 에 로그를 찍었는데 두번호출되는것을 보고 라이프 사이클을 찾아봤지만
대부분 아래 이미지만 붙여놔서 찾아보다 공식사이트에 글로 정리된 부분을 보니 이해가 되었다.
라이프사이클이 서버와 클라이언트로 나눠져있고,
당연한 얘기지만 서버가 끝난 후 클라이언트가 진행 된다.
For SSR, these steps will be executed for every initial request to your app
- The server starts (nuxt start)
When using static site generation, the server steps are only executed on build time, but once for every page that will be generated
- The generation process starts (nuxt generate)
- Nuxt hooks
- serverMiddleware
- Server-side Nuxt plugins
- in order as defined in nuxt.config.js
- nuxtServerInit
- Vuex action that is called only on server-side to pre-populate the store
- First argument is the Vuex context, second argument is the Nuxt context
- Dispatch other actions from here → only "entry point" for subsequent store actions on server-side
- can only be defined in store/index.js
- Middleware
- Global middleware
- Layout middleware
- Route middleware
- asyncData
- beforeCreate (Vue lifecycle method)
- created (Vue lifecycle method)
- The new fetch (top to bottom, siblings = parallel)
- Serialization of state (render:routeContext Nuxt hook)
- the HTML rendering happens (render:route Nuxt hook)
- render:routeDone hook when HTML has been sent to the browser
- generate:before Nuxt hook
- HTML files are generated
- Full static generation
- e.g. static payloads are extracted
- generate:page (HTML editable)
- generate:routeCreated (Route generated)
- Full static generation
- generate:done when all HTML files have been generated
This part of the lifecycle is fully executed in the browser, no matter which Nuxt mode you've chosen.
- Receives the HTML
- Loading assets (e.g. JavaScript)
- client-side Nuxt plugin
- in order as defined in nuxt.config.js
- Vue Hydration
- Middleware
- Global middleware
- Layout middleware
- Route middleware
- asyncData (blocking)
- beforeCreate (Vue lifecycle method)
- created (Vue lifecycle method)
- The new fetch (top to bottom, siblings = parallel) (non-blocking)
- beforeMount (Vue lifecycle method)
- mounted (Vue lifecycle method)
Navigate using the NuxtLink component
Same as for the client part, everything is happening in the browser but only when navigating via <NuxtLink>. Furthermore, no page content is displayed until all blocking tasks are fulfilled.
Check out the component chapter to see more info on <NuxtLink>
- middleware (blocking)
- Global middleware
- Layout middleware
- Route middleware
- asyncData (blocking) or full static payload loading
- beforeCreate & created (Vue lifecycle methods)
- fetch (non-blocking)
- beforeMount & mounted
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